July 21, 2016


Chapter 1: End to Begin

                        I don’t know why I am here in the middle of the forest in this time (midnight). It is a full moon day and I didn’t find a living being nearby... I never been here in this place before. It is deep forest with mountains and lakes. I want to know what the time now is. So I saw at my hand watch but I didn’t find watch tied to my hand. Mostly, I won’t forgot wearing watch to my hand because I feel it as my lucky stone but I don’t know why!!! It is not there to my hand today at this time. First thing I have to do is to know what this place is. And why am I here? So I stopped worrying about the things and started walking around to get some clue about this place.

                     I am walking…walking…walking and walking for long time but I didn’t find anything…even a single house nearby except the darkness surrounding me. It’s like, I am coming to the same place again and again…I am exhausted and I am feeling thirsty too. I saw around and found a small lake which is visible to my eyes from the place where i am. I started walking towards it and saw reflections of moon light in the water. When I came nearer and nearer, i am dumbfounded to see that there is no lake now in that place…I am really shocked to see that it got disappeared in front of my eyes..!!!! I don’t know what to do now and I feel like I should be out of this as soon as possible. I am still not clear why things are happening weird…first---I am in some place I don’t know and second--- I lost my lucky stone…and now an imaginary lake. I think this is the punishment god has given me for my sins.

Now I have to try hard to get away from this place.

“Is there anyone here??Can anyone please help me!!!?” I shouted

               I am feeling bit odd shouting, where moon is my only companion. I shouted again and again. Now I can hear some noise coming from some direction. I am not sure what it is. But I started moving in that direction. After walking little bit, I shouted again. Again I got the reply as a noise.., but it is not from a human, it is like wolves screaming. I lost my mind…control…patience. I started running to escape from this hell. My legs are slipping because of the mud on the land. It’s hard to run but I have to. Now, I feel small drops falling on my face while running. I saw at the sky and recognized clouds covering the moon and within few seconds it started raining heavily. Bad luck is running with me. Everything is happening contradictory. I can’t run any farther than this, in this situation…i have to cover myself from this rain. So, thought of stopping. Immediately when I thought that in my mind, I saw a dead end in front of me. I walked to the end slowly and surprised to see that I am at top of a mountain among the clouds.

                It is so slippery here and rain making this place more slippery. I have to hold myself hard otherwise I will fall from this mountain. I saw a tree at one end and thought of taking cover under it. I moved towards the tree. When I am approaching it, I am surprised….. !!!!

               Do you think the tree is vanished too like the lake I watched before? No, that’s not what happened. Now I am hearing someone screaming so close to me. I am damn sure that he is a human and the sound is coming from my back. So, I turned back to see. Yes!!! It is a man. I felt happy to see a person after coming here. But he is crying sitting at the end of the mountain. I am unable to see his face clearly but he is so lean and his clothes are torn at some places.  He has been here long before me…may be two or three days before and he got mad and scared to be single. So, he is crying and might thought of doing something to himself.

        I have to console him and should fill him with courage then only we can escape from this strange place. I am moving towards him. I don’t know how he is sitting there even though it is glassy and so wet. Fragile people will take wrong decisions when they are in difficult situations. My heart is filled with fear that he might hurt himself. 

I came nearby him and asked, “Why are you here? Why are you crying? And how do you came to this place?” 

I didn’t get a trace of his face. He is facing opposite to me. 

I kept my hand on his shoulder and said, “Be a brave man…No one is going to do anything to us if we fight together. We can get out of this place. So don’t worry and walk with me. We will take shelter under the tree till the rain stops and then we can think of a way to escape”.

 Actually I felt comfortable myself saying those words to him.

He pushed me gently away from him. 

I controlled myself getting slipped and shouted, “Have you lost your mind? Don’t be childish.” 

            I got anger doing like that to me. I went towards him and kept my hand on his shoulder hardly and tried to turn him back. He held my hand now. I think he decided to come finally. 

He said, “Ge…t……Loooo…st” and pushed me away so hard. 

I tried to control myself and thought of grabbing something. But it is of no use, I lost my control and fell from the tip. I thought I was dead and closed my eyes in fear of death. 

The wind is blowing hard but I don’t sense anything yet. I don’t know whether I am dead or alive. I opened my eyes slowly and surprised to see myself hanging to some branch at the edge of the mountain peak. When i see down, the land is totally dark and I can see it is covered by trees. It’s like I am flying in the middle of the sky. I can’t control tears from my eyes and I am helpless. I can’t even move in this situation. I should not have walked towards him as he decided my fate now. I saw up and found something to hold. I still have a chance to save myself. I raised my hand slowly to grab it. But someone pushing my fingers…it is he who is doing that. Why he is doing this to me? I saw above…I am unable to see his face but now he is removing the collar which got stuck to the branch. I decided that death is compulsory for me today. Yes…my collar got unstuck and now I am falling. This is the end to my life. No one can stop now. I saw a stone on the ground which is exactly going to hurt me and my thoughts wandered as if someone kept it there on purpose. I am seeing heaven’s gates now. I closed my eyes and tears are coming from my eyes which are flowing back to my ears because of the wind. Finally, death came to me when I hit the ground…..

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