July 21, 2016


Chapter 1: End to Begin

                        I don’t know why I am here in the middle of the forest in this time (midnight). It is a full moon day and I didn’t find a living being nearby... I never been here in this place before. It is deep forest with mountains and lakes. I want to know what the time now is. So I saw at my hand watch but I didn’t find watch tied to my hand. Mostly, I won’t forgot wearing watch to my hand because I feel it as my lucky stone but I don’t know why!!! It is not there to my hand today at this time. First thing I have to do is to know what this place is. And why am I here? So I stopped worrying about the things and started walking around to get some clue about this place.

                     I am walking…walking…walking and walking for long time but I didn’t find anything…even a single house nearby except the darkness surrounding me. It’s like, I am coming to the same place again and again…I am exhausted and I am feeling thirsty too. I saw around and found a small lake which is visible to my eyes from the place where i am. I started walking towards it and saw reflections of moon light in the water. When I came nearer and nearer, i am dumbfounded to see that there is no lake now in that place…I am really shocked to see that it got disappeared in front of my eyes..!!!! I don’t know what to do now and I feel like I should be out of this as soon as possible. I am still not clear why things are happening weird…first---I am in some place I don’t know and second--- I lost my lucky stone…and now an imaginary lake. I think this is the punishment god has given me for my sins.

Now I have to try hard to get away from this place.

“Is there anyone here??Can anyone please help me!!!?” I shouted

               I am feeling bit odd shouting, where moon is my only companion. I shouted again and again. Now I can hear some noise coming from some direction. I am not sure what it is. But I started moving in that direction. After walking little bit, I shouted again. Again I got the reply as a noise.., but it is not from a human, it is like wolves screaming. I lost my mind…control…patience. I started running to escape from this hell. My legs are slipping because of the mud on the land. It’s hard to run but I have to. Now, I feel small drops falling on my face while running. I saw at the sky and recognized clouds covering the moon and within few seconds it started raining heavily. Bad luck is running with me. Everything is happening contradictory. I can’t run any farther than this, in this situation…i have to cover myself from this rain. So, thought of stopping. Immediately when I thought that in my mind, I saw a dead end in front of me. I walked to the end slowly and surprised to see that I am at top of a mountain among the clouds.