December 29, 2016

Dream Adventures Today I have to start early to the office. Our CEO is visiting the DC and we are going to present the details of our project to him. But I was already late…and my manager will not spare me for this. Now, I can’t catch the office bus too. I came out of the room and saw a car (bad in condition). It was the scientist car who is our neighbor. He keeps on inventing new things but they never be successful and everyone sees him as a mad person. I think it is also a part of his new invention. I was running late and I didn’t have any other option…I had to borrow his car then only I can reach the office on time. I don’t think scientist will mind that I am taking his car without asking him. I went near the car and found that it was not locked. He named the car as a “Future Machine”. It had a time as “2nd April 2011”… three years from now. “So! Is….is it a time machine!!!”,I thought and laughed. It had a green button with -“Press here to start”… I pressed the button and car started suddenly with a high speed. I can’t see anything and it was totally black. Within few minutes, it stopped. Now I am in an unknown place. Its looks like a big parking lot. The timer in car is blinking in red highlighting the year as “2nd April 2011…”. I can hear noise. I came outside and surprised to see myself in a stadium…cricket stadium. “What the heck is this? Did he really made a time machine? Did I come to the future..?”, I thought. I walked inside the stadium without any entry pass. Even security standing there didn’t ask me anything. I guess they can’t see me. When I entered the stadium, I saw it’s “India Vs Sri Lanka world cup finals 2011 match”. Everyone in the stadium shouting “Indiaaaaaa…Indiaaaa……” and few people are shouting “come on Niranjan..!! Niranjan…!!”. I am familiar with that name and it was my name. I was surprised to see me playing on behalf of Indian team. I am on strikers end. I hit six !!! and India won the match. I felt very happy and proud that my future me became a great person. “So, this going to happen in my life after three years…”,I thought. “But how is it possible…?”, I doubted. Now I am a normal software engineer and in future how can I become a cricket star. “Things will change soon! Nothing is permanent…Heyy yaaaaaaaa! No one can stop me now….”, I thought and felt happy. Suddenly everything went black and within a short span of time…I changed to some other place along with the car. I don’t know what happened I didn’t enter the car or I didn’t press anything but it happened. Car still showing the same year-“2nd April 2011.” Now I am in front of a building…software building…and it’s familiar to me. It’s our company. “What I was doing here? Why I am here now? ”, I was worried. I walked inside and saw my manager and few other people standing right at the entrance with boo-keys and the banner really shocked me…..Guess what it is!! “Mr.Niranjan-CEO and cricket star…Chennai DC Welcomes You”. “So I am CEO of our company!!!! My future me is an all-rounder!!! He plays cricket as well as a CEO of the company!!! Great!! Yeaaaa Yuppieeee”, I enjoying myself. I saw a benz car entering into the company with more security around and so many reporters covering the area. I saw a person getting out from the car with a nice grey suit and it was me…!! “I am very sorry for being late. i made you people wait.”, future me saying to my manager. “It’s ok, sir! Welcome to our DC..”,he replied. Everything went blank again and now I can hear some voice saying,” Get up Niranjan! Time to go to office. ”, Santhosh waking me up. The future I woken up from bed and I am in his thoughts… “Ho! What is this? How sad it is? I am not changed. I am same like before. This is not a time machine, it is a Future Thoughts Machine”, I felt sad. I felt upset and thought of going back from his thoughts. I got into the car and changed the date to normal. I was thinking of my manager who won’t pardon me for being late and it is because of this stupid Future Thoughts machine. When I said that suddenly the machine started shaking and stopped. Now the date is “15th April 1912”. “What happened to the machine? Why it brought me here?” I am confused. Now I landed on a ship. Actually a big ship. It was in the middle of the sea and the place was so cool. I want to go out of this place. I adjusted the timer to my date and pressed green button. But now the machine is not working at all. I don’t know what to do. “Will I end up being in this year????!!! What I have to do now? No one is here to help me? Even no one can see me now…I should not have started to company in this car. Now I screwed up everything.”, I thought. I went near the end of the ship and tears are rolling down my eyes that I got stuck here. I saw down…it’s a dark deep blue sea. The weather is freezing my body. I am seeing some letters on the ship…the letters were not clear…but I know this word and the ship too….it’s T….I…T….A…N…I…C…..”Titanic”. “Now I am on titanic??!!!! Ho no!!! So I am going to end up my life like this? It’s terrible”, I worried. My worry is coming true…I saw an ice berg coming in front of the ship and the speed of the ship is not in a controllable state. It hit the large ice berg. I ran to an end. I can hear people screaming for their lives. I know how ship is going to sink. It’s like a hell that I know everything before. James Cameron shown in his movie “Titanic” everything clearly. That is what happening here exactly. I am at the end which will sink last holding the ship grills tightly. Ship sank 40% and then I surprised to see two people….Guess who?? Its Jack and Rose…Same like in the movie holding themselves fighting against to save their lives. Now ship sunk completely and everything went blank again. I woke up suddenly and saw myself sleeping in the front room with laptop. I am watching “Back to the future” movie and my friends are busy watching “India Vs Sri Lanka world cup match 2011.” and “Titanic movie” in the television. “Great Dream…and good adventure for me!!! ”,I thought and slept again. Dream Adventures: Today I have to start early to the office. But I was already late and my manager will not spare me for this. I came out of the room and saw my neighbor’s car in front of my house who is interested in doing inventions with the car. I borrowed his car and started to office. The car started suddenly with lightning speed. Brakes were not working. After few minutes it stopped. I saw myself on a big ship. I walked to the corner of the ship and shocked to see that I was on “Titanic”. The date in car showing as April 14, 1912(the day when titanic hit iceberg). “The car is a time machine!!!???” I surprised. The time is 11:30 P.M. and only 10 minutes left to face death. I want to say this to the captain. But I saw ship is nearing the iceberg in uncontrollable speed. Everything happened in a blink. Titanic struck the iceberg. I moved to the corner and held the grills of the ship that sinks last. It was like hell for me because I knew what goanna is happen because I saw James Cameron’s “Titanic” movie and now I am seeing it in real. After one and half hour, when ship sank 60% into the sea I saw a face familiar to me. He is looking just like me and is running with a young lady and I guess she is Rose and So I am Jack, the hero. He hold her gently and lifted her to the tip of the ship which is now moving down vertically. Everyone shouting in fear of death. The ship was drowned after two and half hours. “Niranjan!!! Niranjan !!!Get up. It’s time to go to office”, I can hear some annoying voice and he is Kamal, my friend I woke up and felt happy that I had a wonderful and adventurous dream.

July 21, 2016


Chapter 1: End to Begin

                        I don’t know why I am here in the middle of the forest in this time (midnight). It is a full moon day and I didn’t find a living being nearby... I never been here in this place before. It is deep forest with mountains and lakes. I want to know what the time now is. So I saw at my hand watch but I didn’t find watch tied to my hand. Mostly, I won’t forgot wearing watch to my hand because I feel it as my lucky stone but I don’t know why!!! It is not there to my hand today at this time. First thing I have to do is to know what this place is. And why am I here? So I stopped worrying about the things and started walking around to get some clue about this place.

                     I am walking…walking…walking and walking for long time but I didn’t find anything…even a single house nearby except the darkness surrounding me. It’s like, I am coming to the same place again and again…I am exhausted and I am feeling thirsty too. I saw around and found a small lake which is visible to my eyes from the place where i am. I started walking towards it and saw reflections of moon light in the water. When I came nearer and nearer, i am dumbfounded to see that there is no lake now in that place…I am really shocked to see that it got disappeared in front of my eyes..!!!! I don’t know what to do now and I feel like I should be out of this as soon as possible. I am still not clear why things are happening weird…first---I am in some place I don’t know and second--- I lost my lucky stone…and now an imaginary lake. I think this is the punishment god has given me for my sins.

Now I have to try hard to get away from this place.

“Is there anyone here??Can anyone please help me!!!?” I shouted

               I am feeling bit odd shouting, where moon is my only companion. I shouted again and again. Now I can hear some noise coming from some direction. I am not sure what it is. But I started moving in that direction. After walking little bit, I shouted again. Again I got the reply as a noise.., but it is not from a human, it is like wolves screaming. I lost my mind…control…patience. I started running to escape from this hell. My legs are slipping because of the mud on the land. It’s hard to run but I have to. Now, I feel small drops falling on my face while running. I saw at the sky and recognized clouds covering the moon and within few seconds it started raining heavily. Bad luck is running with me. Everything is happening contradictory. I can’t run any farther than this, in this situation…i have to cover myself from this rain. So, thought of stopping. Immediately when I thought that in my mind, I saw a dead end in front of me. I walked to the end slowly and surprised to see that I am at top of a mountain among the clouds.